Ride, Walk, Roll! Meet the Del Rio Trail Artists at their Artworks!
Ride, Walk, Roll!
Meet the Del Rio Trail Artists at their Artworks
Join us for a lively outdoor art experience! From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., you are invited to Bike, Walk, or Roll the trail! All seven Phase 2 artists (https://www.delriotrailart.org/phase-2-artists) will be stationed near their artwork along the trail, ready to meet you, discuss their sculpture, and respond to your questions.
Team members from the Office of Arts and Culture and the Del Rio Trail Art Team will be available to chat, answer questions, and offer context about the public art initiative that made this all possible. This is a great time to connect with the community and experience the intersection of art and nature!
Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Time: 10 am – 12 pm
Location: The Del Rio Trail, Sacramento, CA
Navigation Tips:
We suggest starting your morning at either the far north end of the trail near Riverside Boulevard and 13th Avenue or the far south of the trail near Pocket Road and Freeport Boulevard.

ALL ABOARD! Celebrate the Artists of the Del Rio Trail
Please join the Sacramento City Office of Arts + Culture to honor the seven artists and artist teams as they present their commissioned works!
Date: Friday, November 8, 2024
Location: Latino Center of Art and Culture, 2700 Front Street Sacramento, CA, 95818 https://www.thelatinocenter.org/
Time: 5 pm - 8:30 pm (Doors open at 4:45 pm)
Celebrate the completion of the Del Rio Trail permanent artworks with an opportunity to meet and hear these well-regarded Phase 2 artists https://www.delriotrailart.org/phase-2-artists selected from Northern California and across the country! They will share their stories, inspiration, and intentions and show the amazing outcome of each commission included in their presentations.
Seven Phase 2 artists and artist teams, hailing from across the country, were selected from over 100 artists! These artists met with community members and researched the region, which led to creating artworks inspired by themes such as community, home, cultural identity, local history, nature, wildlife, and ecology. The artists used durable materials like steel, wood, bronze, and stone to create whimsical, imaginative, playful, and thought-provoking artworks.
Phase 2 Artists:
About Del Rio Trail Public Art: Completed in Spring 2024, the Del Rio Trail is a 4.8-mile multi-use path connecting Sacramento’s Land Park, South Land Park, Freeport Manor, Z’Berg, Pocket, and Meadowview neighborhoods. It links residents to key community destinations like William Land Park, the Sacramento Zoo, schools, and local businesses, enhancing accessibility and promoting sustainable transportation.
Venue: Latino Center of Art and Culture (LCAC): Founded in 1972, the LCAC is a vital cultural hub in Sacramento, rooted in the Chicano Civil Rights Movement. The Center supports Latinx artists and communities by offering artistic programs that reflect and amplify underrepresented voices, fostering cultural pride and social justice.

Del Rio Trail Art Installed
All of the Del Rio Trail Public Art will be installed and will be ready for you to enjoy by September 2024! In the meantime, check back here or sign up for our newsletter to receive community engagement opportunities, events, and other Del Rio Trail Art news in your inbox.

Clay Tiles Workshop with Matthew Flores
About this event
Join Del Rio Trail artist ambassador, Matthew Flores, for a clay tile making workshop along the new trail!
Swing by between 2pm - 4pm to explore the art of creating clay tiles using the slab method. Matthew will provide all the materials you need, including clay, rollers, carving tools, brushes, and underglazes. Get ready to craft and decorate your very own clay tile, destined to become part of Matthew's vibrant Del Rio Trail Community Mosaic.
With over 500 tiles already contributed, Matthew is eager to welcome more creative additions from the Sacramento community. Your tile will play a lasting role in showcasing the artistic spirit of our city, as Matthew plans to install the mosaic permanently at a chosen location. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of this community art project.
A representative from the City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture will speak about the Del Rio Trail Art Project and the artwork planned for this location along the trail.
All ages are welcome!
Learn more about Matthew here.
Location Information:
After you register for this event, you will receive a confirmation email with directions, parking information, and a contact phone number if you need assistance finding the meeting spot. We will meet at the corner of Pocket Road and Freeport Boulevard. This area is the future site of Matthew Mazzotta's permanent Del Rio Trail Art installations.
Matthew Flores, Clay Tile Making at SLPNA Spring Mixer, 2023.
Linocut Printmaking and Trail Tales with Peter Foucault
About this event
Join Del Rio Trail Artist Ambassador, Peter Foucault, with his custom Trail Tales bike and trailer for a linocut printmaking workshop near the Del Rio Trail.
Participants will make their own linocut print, created by carving an image into linoleum, applying ink to the raised surface, and pressing paper onto the carved block to transfer the inked image. Participants will create linocut relief prints depicting objects they encounter along the trail or imagery inspired by its natural beauty. They will have the option to embellish pre-screen printed posters from the Trail Tales project with their linocuts or print their designs on blank pieces of paper.
Each participant will take home their posters and linoblocks, as well as contribute to an overall archive of the Trail Tales project by printing their images alongside fellow participants on a large sheet of paper. This workshop is designed to be accessible to all skill levels and fosters a supportive environment for participants to print and swap their creations with others. Attendees also have the option to carve two different blocks if desired.
This is a great opportunity to catch Peter on his custom, vintage, cherry red Trail Takes bike which he has ridden throughout the Del Rio Trail’s neighborhoods, making art with new friends along the way.
Learn more about Peter here.
Location Information:
This area is the future site of Adam Frank's permanent Del Rio Trail Art installation, Wayfinder.
Peter Foucault, Linocut Workshop, 2023.

Community Printathon with Heather Hogan
Join artist Ambassador, Heather Hogan, on the new Del Rio Trail to take home a piece of nature by pulling your very own print from nature.

Fandango: Versando por el camino del río
sobre este evento / About this event
Acompáñanos en este fandango para escuchar los versos compuestos por participantes en el taller de versada del Camino Del Río (Del Río Trail) compartidos a través de la música del son jarocho.
El fandango es una fiesta musical participativa de Veracruz, México donde convivimos a través de la música, bailando zapateado y cantando versos con conexiones a la tierra, el amor, y la vida. En este fandango, compartiremos versos compuestos por integrantes de un taller de versada en el Camino Del Río. El fandango será de 11am a 4pm, y los versos se compartirán de 11am a 12pm.
Puedes venir a escuchar, bailar y participar.
Este evento está patrocinado por el Del Río Trail Project del Sacramento Office of Art and Culture, Casa de Español, y Cascabel de Dos Ríos.
Join us in this fandango to hear the verses composed by participants in the verse composition workshop at the Del Río Trail to the music of son jarocho.
The fandango is a participatory musical celebration from Veracruz, Mexico where we come together through music, dancing zapateado (tap dance) and singing verses connected to the land, love and life. In this fandango, we will showcase verses composed by participants of a verse composition workshop held along the Del Rio Trail. The fandango will take place from 11am to 4pm and the verse showcase will take place from 11am to 12pm.
You are welcome to come listen, dance and participate.
This event is sponsored by the Del Río Trail Project of the Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture, Casa de Español and Cascabel de Dos Ríos.
Cyanotype Workshop with Rosalva Willow
About this event
Join Del Rio Trail artist ambassador, Rosalva Willow, to explore the captivating world of cyanotype photography, enjoy the nature on the Del Rio Trail, and connect and collaborate with fellow community members.
This workshop will begin with an introduction to the history and process of cyanotype. This introduction will be followed by a guided walk along the trail, where we will engage with the environment, collecting leaves, flowers, and other natural elements for our cyanotype prints.
After the walk, we will create our own unique, cyanotype prints using collected natural elements. We will use pretreated photosensitive cyanotype paper, arrange our collected items on the paper and expose them to the sun for development (exposure time will vary depending on the weather and time of day, 10-20 minutes).
We’ll also have the opportunity to collaborate on a larger, shared cyanotype project, fostering teamwork and a sense of community. The workshop will conclude with a collective review of the prints created, where we’ll share our experiences, ideas, and feelings about the workshop and the new Del Rio Trail.
Learn more about Rosalva here.
Location Information:
After you register for this event, you will receive a confirmation email with directions, parking information, and a contact phone number if you need assistance finding the meeting spot. We will meet 35th Avenue and 14th Street, Sacramento, CA, 95822. This area is the future site of Janet Zweigs's permanent Del Rio Trail Art installation.
Register Here
Image: Rosalva Willow, Cyanotypes, 2024.

Taller de Versada en el Fandango
sobre este evento / About this event
Acompáñanos para un taller de la poesía del fandango jarocho al lado del Camino Del Río (Del Rio Trail). Durante este taller tomaremos un pequeño recorrido por el Camino Del Río para inspirar nuestro canto, y usaremos esas experiencias para componer versos colectivos, aprendiendo de la versada jarocha en el proceso. Habrán oportunidades para componer versos colectivamente e individualmente. Luego compartiremos esos versos en un fandango el domingo 28 de abril en Casa de Español. El taller será de cupo limitado; el fandango no. Si no logras inscribirte para el taller por favor todavía acompáñanos en el fandango, ahí te conectaremos con aún más oportunidades.
¡No se requiere experiencia previa para participar!
*Este evento tiene dos partes. Asegúrate de inscribirte para ambos días (taller y fandango).
Join us for a workshop in Spanish on the poetry of the fandango jarocho alongside the Del Río Trail. During this workshop, we will take some time to explore the Del Río Trail to inspire our song. We will use those experiences to collectively compose verses, learning about versada jarocha in the process. There will be opportunities to compose verses collective and individually. We will showcase these verses in a fandango at Casa de Español on Sunday, April 28. The workshop will have limited space; the fandango will not. If you can't register for the workshop, please still join us for the fandango, where we will connect you with even more opportunities.
No experience necessary!
*This is a two-part event. Make sure to sign up for both days (workshop and fandango).

POSTPONED: Community Printathon with Heather Hogan
Join artist Ambassador, Heather Hogan, on the new Del Rio Trail to take home a piece of nature by pulling your very own print from nature.

Children’s Music Workshop with Jillian Van Ness
Join Jillian Van Ness for a Children’s Music Workshop near the Del Rio Trail.

Nature Photography with Roberta Alvarado
Join Roberta Alvarado for a nature photography session on the Del Rio Trail.

Nature Photography with Roberta Alvarado
Join Roberta Alvarado for a nature photography session on the Del Rio Trail and a reception at Brickhouse Gallery.

SLPNA Fall Mixer
Join the South Land Park Neighborhood Association for their annual Fall Mixer! Meet your neighbors. Enjoy, music, a food truck, and a bar.

Calling All Nature Nerds: Seed Collecting on the Del Rio Trail
We invite you to participate in a collaborative effort to assist Artist Janet Zweig , who is commissioned by the City of Sacramento Arts and Culture to create a major public artwork on the Del Rio Trail.

BEFORE AND BEYOND: Phase 1 Artists of the Del Rio Trail
BEFORE AND BEYOND is an exhibit featuring the artwork of the Del Rio Trail Phase 1 artists.

Metempsychosis: An Exhibit by Jose Di Gregorio
Join us at Sol Collective for the opening reception of Del Rio Trail Phase 1 artist, Jose Di Gregorio’s exhibit, “Metempsychosis”.

Celebrate Oak Park
Make a ceramic tile with artist Matthew Flores and celebrate the rich culture of Oak Park.

Artivism Workshop with Tobi
Join Tobi Liston for a day of creativity and activism at our Artivism Workshop!

Curtis Fest 2023
Join us at Curtis Fest to enjoy a Trail inspired musical performance by Phase 1 artist, Jillian Van Ness!

Music for Kids on the Del Rio Trail with Jillian Van Ness
Bring your 0-5 year olds and join children's musician Jillian Van Ness of Grow Resilient Families for a fun morning of live music!

Spring Showcase at New Technology High School
Join us at New Technology High School’s Spring Showcase!

Free Women's Cyanotype Workshop
Join Del Rio Trail Phase 1 artist Rosalva Willow for this FREE - ALL WOMEN workshop you'll enjoy getting to know other women from the Sacramento community as we work together to create beautiful deep blue prints of the plants and flowers we love.

Latino Center of Art and Culture
2700 Front Street
Sacramento, CA 95818