Explore the Trail And See The Art

About Del Rio Trail Public Art

The City of Sacramento's Office of Arts and Culture commissioned 27 artists to make artwork related to the trail and its surrounding community. Twenty Phase 1 artists, from a variety of disciplines, are engaging with communities along the trail, making art about the trail, and creating a visual dialogue of artwork that will help inform the permanent sculptures and provide additional content for trail visitors. Seven Phase 2 artists have created 18 permanent sculptures along the Del Rio Trail in two main categories: wayfinding art and gathering locations.

The Del Rio Trail is in the City of Sacramento along a five‐mile abandoned railway corridor to the west of Freeport Boulevard from approximately Sutterville Road to the north and Pocket Road to the south. To address equity for all residents of Sacramento and to support public space conditions where everyone can be healthy, the Del Rio Trail combines the creation of a trail‐park infrastructure with community engaged public art along this vital pedestrian corridor.

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About Arts and Culture

The Sacramento Office of Arts & Culture (OAC) was originally founded as the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission (SMAC) in 1977 by City and County Ordinances with a mission to "advance community through art and culture." Its 3 primary programs - Grants, Art in Public Places, and Arts Education - provide resources to support artists and arts activities throughout the County's diverse communities. In 2018, an intensive year-long planning process resulted in Creative Edge, Sacramento's first Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy Plan. Creative Edge engaged thousands of stakeholders and community members to re-envision culture in Sacramento and prioritize an investment in the entire ecosystem, including equity and access as governing priorities. This was a catalyst for change in the City, and has ushered in new priorities and programs. In 2020, SMAC became the OAC, incorporating the Film Office into its portfolio, and hired Megan Van Voorhis as Cultural and Creative Economy Manager.